Distance Reiki Healing Session for Animals – 30 minutes


A distance reiki session to soothe and uplift your animal friend. Please use the space provided to give me all the details you can about the animal receiving this treatment. Scroll down to see a full description 🌸



Book a 30 minute reiki session for your pet or animal.

Things distance reiki can help your animal with:

  • stress and anxiety, including separation anxiety
  • digestive issues
  • antisocial behaviours
  • healing from pain and trauma
  • healing from emotional upset
  • comfort and reassurance while you are at work or away on holiday
  • accelerated healing from surgery, injury and illness
  • a deeper bond and connection with their person or people
  • improved confidence with other animals and people, and in social situations.
  • end of life care and comfort.

Animals (and people!) generally benefit most from a series of sessions. I would recommend starting with 4 and seeing how you and they feel from there. This is because, as with any healing modality, it takes time for the body’s energy to adjust to the new balance of energy. I offer reiki to my dog every day! My reiki sessions for animals are usually no longer than thirty minutes – I find that is generally long enough for them to accept the energy they need, although occasionally they need a little more loving attention. Since I work from a distance and do not know in advance what each animal is going to need, I charge only for the thirty minutes – if it goes over, it’s on me!

During those thirty minutes, I tune in to the animal’s energy and offer to channel reiki to them. If they are unsure, I channel reiki beside them, so that they can choose whether or not to receive it. This is especially good for small creatures who are confined to a hutch or pen. It would be unfair to suddenly fill their enclosure with energy that they do not want! Then I carry out the session as I would for a person. I gently feel the energy from each of their chakras and their aura as a whole, and then direct my intention towards their head and heart, allowing the reiki energy to travel to where it needs to go. If I intuitively feel that they need help in a specific area, I will follow that.

Please note that I purposely said that I ‘offer’ reiki energy. Animals have so little control of anything in their lives, as we decide when and where they eat, sleep, relieve themselves and play, and I think it’s important to give them the choice as to whether or not to accept outside energy coming into their field. They very rarely say no! But it feels correct to observe this basic right. I will ask your animal telepathically if they are happy to accept the reiki energy.

Which animals benefit from reiki treatment?

All of them! The most usual candidates are dogs, cats, horses and small pets – rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters – but also donkeys, lizards, snakes, pigs, cows, sheep, mice, ferrets… you get the idea! All creatures have their own energy field and all creatures will feel the positive effects of reiki’s healing energy – particularly those close to humans. Those animals living in families or who are very bonded with their people often take on much of the burden of their person’s or family’s negative energy, in an attempt to balance the energies of the whole. Their impact on the family and their energetic involvement with it is often misunderstood and underestimated. They are far more energetically aware than we give them credit for! Remember, for them, we are their whole lives, and they live to be part of ours.


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